Richmond, Virginia – pakTru, a division of SSI Packaging Group, a Richmond based packaging supplies company has announced that it will be demonstrating its fully compliant and proven GS1/PTI compliant Farm Management System at Pack Expo in Las Vegas September 23rd and 25th and at the PMA Fresh Summit Convention in New Orleans in October 18th through 20th.

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pakTru is a GS1/PTI Compliant Farm Management System that can trace produce and products from the field and production line to retail shelves. It meets and exceeds all Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI) requirements. The pakTru solution comprises of a solid suite of software and hardware that allow farms and food packing centers to be able to print barcodes and other data directly onto kraft corrugate boxes in real time without the need to preprint labels. Now, moderate to high speed operations can become compliant without the crippling cost of pre-printed or print on demand labels and applicators.

pakTru is a GS1/PTI Compliant Farm Management System that can trace produce and products from the field and production line to retail shelves. It meets and exceeds all Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI) requirements. The pakTru solution comprises of a solid suite of software and hardware that allow farms and food packing centers to be able to print barcodes and other data directly onto kraft corrugate boxes in real time without the need to preprint labels. Now, moderate to high speed operations can become compliant without the crippling cost of pre-printed or print on demand labels and applicators.

pakTru is a cloud based Software as a Service (SaaS) platform. The customer owns all the data and the data housing occurs in a highly secure, password protected environment. Unlike legacy based systems, pakTru offers owner management and flexibility. Data can be used instantly and stored for later use for immediate traceability requirements or for use in improving production efficiencies.

Fully integrated into the pakTru software is proven and industrial printing hardware, the no maintenance, no mess HP based technology is simple to implement and effortless to operate. Constructed of stainless steel, it can function in the toughest of environments and comes with a true Lifetime Warranty

“pakTru was developed from the ground up to meet all of the PTI’s requirements and then some” said Ricky Womble, President and CEO of pakTru. “It has allowed producers, both large and small, to have a solution that meets today’s and tomorrow’s needs for full traceability and visibility.”

pakTru will be demonstrating the complete system – hardware and software – at its booth at Pack Expo in Las Vegas September 23-25, 2013: Booth S.7185 and at the PMA Fresh Summit convention in New Orleans, LA October 23-25, 2013: Booth 156. Visitors will be able to see how it can be implemented easily into their own operations and view real data from previous installations.

Under the tutelage of Mr. Womble, pakTru is active in the PTI Technology Team, the International Food Technologists ad hoc team, the Coalition Against Counterfeiting and Piracy, 7 LinkedIn traceability forums, various international, national state and regional produce committees and organizations as well as a PMA member in good standing.

pakTru is a fully owned subsidiary of SSI Packaging, a provider of coding and marking solutions for over 40 years. SSI Packaging has been providing superior customer service and exceptional solutions-driven value to their many clients and is proud to expand their products to include pakTru. More information can be found at and