Most people, at some point in their lives, have pulled off a lid to discover an unpleasant bloom of mold growing on top of their food. When this happens, is it safe to scrape the mold off and eat the food anyway? What is mold, anyway? What can be the consequences of mold ingestion? In […]
Understanding Food Date Codes
If you’ve ever read the date codes on food products, like “Use By” or “Sell By,” you may have wondered what they really mean. Is it safe to eat a product that’s past its Sell-By date? And what about the other codes you may see printed on various food packaging? In this blog, we’ll explain […]
Top Home Improvement Jobs You Shouldn’t DIY
Spring is the season to start making some much-needed fixes around the house. However, there are some projects that even the most seasoned weekend warriors shouldn’t attempt. Below are some home improvement jobs that require the skill of a professional. Garage Door Home Repair Garage door repair at the top of this list because it’s […]
How to Organize Your Workspace in 5 Easy Steps
Every owner of a business, whether it be large or small, eventually faces the same problem: how to create a clean, organized, efficient workspace that stays that way! In celebration of the new year, we thought we’d create something that all our clients might appreciate: a simple how-to guide on how to organize your workspace, […]
Top 5 Manufacturing Facility Safety Tips
A productive manufacturing facility is also a safe one. When pathways are clear, equipment is properly maintained, and materials are well-organized, both your people and your products can flow freely and without incident. Below are some manufacturing facility safety tips that can make your operation more productive as well as safe. Provide all necessary PPE […]
Laser Cutter Safety: 4 Materials You Should Never Cut
One of the best things about laser cutting machines is that they are amazingly versatile. Since a laser beam can’t warp or contaminate materials like a physical blade can, laser cutters can safely be used on almost anything. They can even be used on delicate human eye tissue for vision correction surgery! However, the high […]