If you’re reading this article, you’re probably already aware of the existence of date codes—alphanumeric sequences printed on product packaging. You may not know, however, how incredibly useful date codes can be, and how many advantages they can provide your business. In this article, we’ll unpack exactly how date codes can help give you an […]
Understanding Food Date Codes
If you’ve ever read the date codes on food products, like “Use By” or “Sell By,” you may have wondered what they really mean. Is it safe to eat a product that’s past its Sell-By date? And what about the other codes you may see printed on various food packaging? In this blog, we’ll explain […]
All About Food-Grade Inks
Have you ever seen an egg with a logo printed on it and wondered, “If that ink got into my food, would I get sick?” The answer is, no, you probably wouldn’t. The marks on commercially-sold food items, like eggs, are all produced using food-grade ink. In this article, our Richmond marking & labeling equipment […]
Marking and Coding Solutions 101
If you visit our Marking and Coding Solutions page, you’ll be presented with a wide range of options, including DOD inkjet printers, High-Resolution printers, industrial stencil machines, and more. If you’re a new small business owner, it might be challenging to determine which solution will provide the best product identification at an affordable price point. […]
Why Should I Buy Marking and Coding Equipment?
com In our previous article, we discussed the benefits of renting industrial printers. However, even though renting offers a lot of benefits, it’s not always the best option for every situation. Below are some advantages to consider if you want to buy marking and coding equipment in Richmond. (Potentially) save money. Though renting […]
Why Should I Rent Marking and Coding Equipment?
If you’re considering buying marking and coding equipment in Virginia, you already know that it’s a big decision. The largest industrial printers can cost in the thousands of dollars, but on the upside, being able to immediately produce what you need on-site might be worth the investment. On the other hand, renting a large piece […]
The Top 5 Benefits of Continuous Inkjet Printers
First introduced to the market in the early 1950s, continuous inkjet or “CIJ” printers remain one of the manufacturing industry’s most preferred industrial marking options. Their remarkable capabilities make them perfect solutions for items like cosmetics, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, electronics, and automotive components, all of which present uniquely demanding coding and marking challenges. If […]
How to Mark and Label Products Sustainably
When it comes to sustainability, the lion’s share of the focus is usually devoted to eco-friendly packaging options. Therefore, we’re devoting today’s post to a less-commonly-considered part of the packaging process: the marking and labeling. Although marking and labeling are a small part of the production process, they contribute a significant amount of waste. Below […]