Help Launch Your Business with These 10 Free Design Tools

If you’re launching your own startup business, you’re probably pretty strapped for cash. One of the best ways to save money is to DIY your own marketing materials, including your website, logo, promotional materials, or product label. If you’ve decided to tackle these essential items on your own, here are ten free design tools you […]

Why Does Popping Bubble Wrap Feel so Good?

When media outlets reported that Sealed Air, the company that makes bubble wrap, was creating a new, un-poppable type of bubble wrap, the world reacted with horror and outrage. As one writer for Vice put it, “Sealed Air’s new Bubble Wrap apparently answers the wants and needs of shipping companies, but what about our needs?” […]

Citroen’s Cardboard Car: Next-Level Recycling

We’ve written before about the environmental phenomenon that is cardboard. Over 70% of commercially used cardboard is successfully recycled. That means it’s one of the most eco-friendly materials you can use for your small business. That’s why we were excited to see an experimental concept car by French carmaker Citroen, which features cardboard in its […]

The 7 Weirdest Things People Have Sent Through the Mail

Neither rain, nor wind, nor driving snow will stop the delivery of the mail. Nor, apparently, will disgusting items; heavy items; bizarre items; or the fact that the item is a living human being. Here are some of the strangest things people have successfully sent through the mail. Children When the U.S. Postal Service began […]

How to Create the Ultimate Garage Workshop

For many folks, spring is the optimum time to clean out storage spaces like closets, attics, basements, and garages. If your garage is mostly used to store things you don’t want to deal with, you may be wondering how to convert it into something more useful, like a workshop. Here’s how to create a garage […]

Top Home Improvement Jobs You Shouldn’t DIY

Spring is the season to start making some much-needed fixes around the house. However, there are some projects that even the most seasoned weekend warriors shouldn’t attempt. Below are some home improvement jobs that require the skill of a professional. Garage Door Home Repair  Garage door repair at the top of this list because it’s […]

11 Proven Ways to Reduce Returns for Your Small Business

Online shopping is at an all-time high. Unfortunately, so are returns. As we noted in last month’s blog, Americans returned about $816 billion worth of merchandise last year, representing about 17% of all retail purchases. With the amount of returns rising steadily, your best bet as a business owner is to adopt a preventative strategy. […]

Label Design for Beginners: How to Make the Perfect Label

In our first series on label design for beginners, we’ll discuss creating pressure-sensitive labels. These are essentially “sticker” labels that are applied to jars, tubs, and cans, are far and away the most popular type of label. They’re easy to apply; relatively inexpensive; durable; and available in a huge variety of sizes, shapes, and materials. […]

Holiday Returns: Just How Much do We Send Back?

If you are like the vast majority of American consumers, you’ll be heading to a store this January to return an item—or several items—that were less than satisfactory. As a packaging supply company, we were curious to know exactly how much Americans return throughout the holiday season each year. Here are some of the most […]

How to Organize Your Workspace in 5 Easy Steps

Every owner of a business, whether it be large or small, eventually faces the same problem: how to create a clean, organized, efficient workspace that stays that way! In celebration of the new year, we thought we’d create something that all our clients might appreciate: a simple how-to guide on how to organize your workspace, […]

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