What’s a Unique Selling Proposition?

When you are considering starting your own business, there is one question you should consider above all else: what is my Unique Selling Proposition? A Unique Selling Proposition, or USP for short, is the key benefit that sets your product apart from competing products on the market. It’s the reason why a consumer would want […]

Mold on Food: Is it Always Dangerous?

Most people, at some point in their lives, have pulled off a lid to discover an unpleasant bloom of mold growing on top of their food. When this happens, is it safe to scrape the mold off and eat the food anyway? What is mold, anyway? What can be the consequences of mold ingestion? In […]

The Importance of Date Coding

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably already aware of the existence of date codes—alphanumeric sequences printed on product packaging. You may not know, however, how incredibly useful date codes can be, and how many advantages they can provide your business. In this article, we’ll unpack exactly how date codes can help give you an […]

Understanding Food Date Codes

If you’ve ever read the date codes on food products, like “Use By” or “Sell By,” you may have wondered what they really mean. Is it safe to eat a product that’s past its Sell-By date? And what about the other codes you may see printed on various food packaging? In this blog, we’ll explain […]

The Best Items to Sell at Craft Fairs

If you’re an artist, craftsman, or miscellaneous maker, you don’t need us to tell you that running a successful booth at a craft fair is hard. With so much invested in the booth space, table, tent, and other necessary items, it can be difficult for many artists to break even, let alone pull in a […]

All About Food-Grade Inks

Have you ever seen an egg with a logo printed on it and wondered, “If that ink got into my food, would I get sick?” The answer is, no, you probably wouldn’t. The marks on commercially-sold food items, like eggs, are all produced using food-grade ink. In this article, our Richmond marking & labeling equipment […]

Marking and Coding Solutions 101

If you visit our Marking and Coding Solutions page, you’ll be presented with a wide range of options, including DOD inkjet printers, High-Resolution printers, industrial stencil machines, and more. If you’re a new small business owner, it might be challenging to determine which solution will provide the best product identification at an affordable price point. […]

Top 10 Holiday Cookie Mailing Tips 

Few things are as comforting as homemade cookies from a loved one, which is why they’re a classic holiday gift. But if you’re mailing cookies to far-away friends and family, you’ll need to take care to ensure they don’t crumble, go stale, or invite bugs. Here are some holiday cookie mailing tips that ensure your […]

How to Reduce Online Clothing Returns

Apparel accounts for almost a quarter of all U.S. online retail sales, and it also has the highest return rate. According to Coresight Research, about 26% of clothing items will be returned this holiday season, costing retailers about $150 billion in return shipping and restocking fees. Clothing returns are bad for the planet, too, with […]

Benefits of Nearsourcing Your Supply Chain

During the Covid-19 pandemic, U.S. consumers became keenly aware of a startling statistic: about 20% of all U.S. imports are made in China. Billions more products are produced in India, Bangladesh, and Japan. That means that when catastrophe strikes—in the form of war; natural disaster; or a global pandemic—the U.S. supply chain will inevitably be […]

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