Packaging supplies are designed for practical uses, but sometimes inspiration can strike in the most unexpected ways! We’ve gathered some fresh ideas from people who have used packaging create art. Whether you are inspired by these creations or simply surprised, check out these 5 cool things that artists have done with everyday packaging materials.

1. Corrugated Cardboard Villagers

Corrugated Cardboard Villagers

This project by Warren King was inspired by his grandparents, who lived in a small village in China for several years before immigrating to the United States. When Warren traveled to the same village that his grandparents had left, many of the locals recounted stories to him about the Chinese civil war, and about his family members. He decided to recreate the residents of the village in an effort to better understand the people he was meeting, and to explore his grandparent’s history. He formed his sculptures with cardboard and glue, and although they appear to be solid forms he actually left the backs of them hollow to represent his search for knowledge.

​2. Stretch Wrap T-Rex

Stretch Wrap T-Rex

Moscow based Evgeny Ches was inspired by the natural environment to create art with cellophane and spray paint. He wanted to challenge the idea that street art belongs solely in cities by choosing to place his artwork in nature, and remains consistent to the theme by painting mostly animals. His use of neutral colors and the flexibility of his locations combine to give a big surprise to those who find these works of art in the wild.

3. Packing Tape Scenes

 Packing Tape Scenes

Artist Max Zorn layers packing tape to create contrasts between light and shadows. Originally inspired by the street lamps that light up Amsterdam, Max wanted to create art that appeared when night fell, rather than artwork that disappeared. He began by placing his artworks over streetlamps in big cities, and his project has grown globally ever since. Next time you visit a new city look closely at the street lamps, you might find a little surprise!

4. Plastic Bag Television Blub

 Plastic Bag Television Blub

This art installation by Ronald van der Meijs is called Squaring The Sphere. It is made from a series of interconnected plastic bags that are wired with tubes of air, and as time progresses the bags inflate and deflate in a continuous loop. Ronald shaped the bags to look like a television bulb as a way to connect television and marketing the artist’s perspective on consumerism.

5. Packing Tube Elephant

 Packing Tube Elephant

Spanish studio nituniyo created this elephant out of 6,000 cardboard packing tubes for the annual fallas festival in Valencia. This festival consists of several days of parties, food and artwork and on the last day of the festival the sculptures are burned in special ceremonies. The title of this sculpture translates to “dreams of weight” and the spectators were encouraged to write their wishes or dreams on pieces of paper to place inside of the tubes.

If you are looking for materials to begin your next great art project or simply seeking quality packaging from people who care,SSI Packaging Groupis here for you. To find out more, check out our products here or contact us anytime at (804) 649-1111.

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